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Get Set for Spring with SodaStream!

SodaStream Art sparkling water maker starter pack

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





It’s important to stay hydrated as a runner and with the SodaStream Art machine, hitting your hydration goals is easier than ever. By pulling the lever, you can turn plain old tap water into crisp, sparkling water in seconds, and here’s how you can win your very own! 

Staying hydrated is crucial throughout the entire year but as the temperature starts to increase, it becomes even more of a priority. That’s why it’s key to keep drinking throughout the day, and adding a little ‘sparkle' to your water can go a long way to keep things interesting. 

Whether you fancy your sparkling water with ice and a slice, or looking for something a little more flavoursome like SodaStream’s Diet Tonic or Pepsi MAX, there’s something for everyone. 

And if you’re looking to take your sparkling water on the go, SodaStream’s My Only Bottle is perfect for on the go, meaning you can hit your hydration goals even as you run.

To ensure you never run out of air, you can exchange your empty cylinder and save £10 on the cost of a new one from retailers including Sainsbury’s, Asda and Argos, or you can exchange with the SodaStream Sparkle Saver’s Plan and have gas delivered straight to your door!

Staying hydrated is refreshingly simple with SodaStream so why not try and win your very own?

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 28/05/2024.


SodaStream Art sparkling water maker starter pack x2